Manpower Resources

Sub-contractor Service.
Provide manpower for urgent work, short-term work.


25 Years Of Undefeated Success

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Successfully Project Finished.


Years of experience with proud


Revenue in 2017 investment


Colleagues & counting more daily


Quality Services

Employee Recruitment

The company handles the recruitment and selection of employees according to the “Client’s” needs, or the “Client” can conduct their selection.

Employee Orientation

The process that organizations use to introduce new employees to the organization, corporate culture, work systems, and job responsibilities.

Employee handover

The process of an organization sending employees to work for external companies or clients as part of a service or contract. It usually involves changing the workplace or assigning new tasks to employees in other partner organizations.

Employee control

The process in which managers or supervisors oversee, monitor, and evaluate the performance of employees to ensure that they perform their assigned tasks efficiently and meet the organization’s objectives.

Employee replacement

The process of employees being reassigned duties or positions from one company to another with the aim of improving work efficiency, ensuring that employees are in roles suited to their skills, or responding to the changing needs of the organization or business.

Employee Transfer

The process in which employees are transferred from one position to another within the same organization, or in some cases, the transfer of employees from one company to another within the same group.


Committed To Keep People Healthy & Safe

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We Follow Best Practices

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Project On Time
Modern Technology
Latest Designs

About Founders

We Are Leading International Company In The World

Steven Marks


Lara Smith


John Doe


About Founders

Our Latest Works

Science Lab Building

New York, USA

Long Gate Bridge

Malmo, SE

Enix Lawyer Building

Toronto, CA

Deep Sea Bridge​

Athens, GR

Whar Our Clients Say


Engineering Manager

Alice Howard

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Interior Designer

Nathan Marshall

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Ema Romero

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Ann Smith

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